How to Read Astrology Charts
****motion of the planets****

(on this same page, 2/3 down the page)


the first step to reading an astrology chart, 

is to pick which chart you want to read.  

this can be anyone's chart 

(but perhaps it is best to start with your own)


go to

click the menu       (img)

free horoscopses     (img)

horoscope drawing ; data     (img)

****chart drawing, ascendant*****  (img)

go to
click the menu
free horoscopses (img)

horoscope drawing ; data (img)

****chart drawing, ascendant***** (img)

you can either make an **account** and save up to 100 charts, 

 or you can make charts as a **guest user** and save up to 4 charts
they're rewritble, you can remake the 4 charts as often as you like

input all the data

press submit

and voila you haue a chart


astrology charts are made up of 

**planets**, **signs**and & **houses**;.. .. ..      - 


table with all the images 
 sun  moon  mercury  venus  mars  jupiter  saturn uranus   neptune pluto 
 self  feelings  thinking  love action  optimisim  rules, structure  technology, innovation  mysticism  power


table with all the images 

 aries  taurus  gemini cancer   leo  virgo  libra  scorpio  saggitarius  capricorn  aquarius  pisces

-houses table graph with list of 1-12

notice that the
signs (shown on the outside of the wheel)
and the houses (shown on the inside of the wheel)
do no line up.

the **signs** are **constellations** way far out in the sky
and the **houses** are divisions of the sky in relation the the earths rotating **axises**,
the eastern and western horizons govern the beginning of the 1st and 7th houses,
and the midheaven governs the beginning of the 10th house.. ..

the houses are divions of the sky determined by the horizons and the midheaven.
the signs (outer portion of the chart) are divisions of the sky
determined by the constellations
which are much farther away than the earths horizons
the horizions and midheaven govern the houses (shows in the inner circle of the chart).
the houses and the signs usually never line up to each other.


the next thing to understand about a chart is what exactly a chart is.
a chart is the view of the earths flat surface looking up into the sky
half of the sky is above your head,
and half of the sky is beneath your feet,
(on the other side of the earth.)

-image of horizon overlayed to astrology chart 

the left side of the chart is the eastern horizon,
or what is **rising**
the right hand side of the chart is the western horizon
or what is **setting**
the highest point of the chart is the midheaven,
or zenith in astonomical speak it is the highest point above your head. there

there will be 6 zodiac signs above the horizon at any given moment
and 6 zodiac signs beneath the horizon at any given moment]
you can see these zodiac signs that are above the horizon
if you go startgazing at night,
you can use an astrology chart as a map.
of the 6 zodiac signs that are above the horizon

the eastern horizon is on the left,
the western hotrion is on the right.
(when you look at a chart, it is as if you are

****facing south****


the zodiac belt (or all the signs in the zodiac)
takes place on the ****ecliptic******  the ecliptic is the narrow band of sky through which all the sun and moon and every planet passes
it starts out somewhat to the southeast,
follows straight along south,
until it reaches the most southern part of the sky, the midheaven,
following to the west and then finally to the southwest
where the sun and planets set


now on to the the aspects

conjunctions 0-5°

two planets at the same spot,
or within 5degrees of each other 


oppositions .. 180° 

long red line

square .. 90°

(short red line)

trines ..  120°

long blue line,

sextiles ..60° 

short blue line,

in-conjunct .. 150° 

aka "quincunx"
long green line,

the aspects are the MOST important thing going on in a chart
use the table above (link) to identify which planets are aspecting


where to interpret the aspects

**geocities mirror webstite** -
(this is the best site hands down for interpreting the aspects)

cafe astrology

astrology weekly  

**geocities mirror website**
the only part that is important is the **aspects**
you will find the **aspects** on the page if you **scroll down**

sun in signs,
sun in houses
sun in aspects to each planet
moon in signs
moon in houses
moon in aspects to each planet\\

and so on.

okay websites.. ..
(not as good as the geocities one)

cafe astrology

astrologyweekly aspects

**sue tompkins book** - **"aspects in astrology"**.
if you were to only purchase one astrology book,
this should be itte.
it goes through the aspects
in order of **planetary pairs**
it organizes itself by **planetary pairs** not by **aspect**
which makes it very useful to understanded **blended planetary energy**.


****motion of the planets****