****motion of the planets****
****Planet Geometry - (aspects) - interpretations****
****Planet and Aspect Symbols****



it is very easy to stargaze at night, using an astrology chart as your main map.
just make a chart for the ****current date and time****.. ..

the zodical belt cross the ****southern**** sky in the pathway from the south eastern to southwestern horizons reaching the highest point in the middle at the midheaven.
****the pathway that the sun crosses during the day time****, is the same pathway that all the ****zodical signs**** take place.

they show in the chart as
the ****top**** (above) most ****6 signs**** in the zodical wheel
on the top half of the circle.
(****above**** the **horizon line**, that stretches from the eastern ascendant to the western descendant.. ..)
- (the eastern horizon is on the left hand side of the wheel)
- (and the western horizon is on the right hand side of the wheel.)

you view these ****top 6 signs in the chart****, as if you are ****facing south****.. ..

you would view the ****top 6 signs in the chart**** as shown in the astrological chart ****FACING SOUTH****.. ..



 aries taurus   gemini cancer  leo  virgo  libra scorpio saggitarius  capricorn  aquarius  pisces
 small, faint, hard to see  large, somewhat faint  large, slightly vivid  small, faint, hard to see   larg, vivid, easy to see   large, medium vividness  medium size, medium vivdness  giant size, very vivd, easy to see  medim size, medium vividness  medium size, slightly faint, easy to see with binoculars   medium/large size, faint, hard to see  large size, fairly vivid



you view the signs in the **TOP** half of the chart
(above the ascendant/descendant horizon line)
the **TOP** 6 signs in the chart



by figuring out where the ***ZODIAC**** signs are,
using the ****above method****,

.. ..you can then find the **rest** of the constellations in the sky,
using the below tools.. ..

optional tools to purchase on amazon.. ..

**Night Sky Star Wheel**

this is the easiest (and best) tool for figuring out the ****placements**** of the constellations

discontinued superior star wheel

other wheel ****subpar, not discontinued**** because the ****aboue**** product is ****out of print*****

.. ..(the ****center***** of the wheel is the ****north star****,
euerything rotates around the ****north star****,
hold the ****north star**** side of the wheel to the north side of the sky,
and the opposite side of the wheel to the south side of the sky).. ..
....the zodiacal constellations shapes can be memorized in the aboue table, but also by taking the sky wheel apart, and learning the zodical constellations which circle the outside.....
other than thatte...hold the north star (the ****center*** of the wheel) to the north... and find the rest of the constellations, going outwards from there.....

other than thatte, when the entire wheel is memorized, then it is easy to locate constellations...

only after locating constellations with the wheel... then use binoculars or telecsope and the below book for detailed uiew... the wheel is for placement...the below book is for detail not placement

**Sky & Telescope's Pocket Sky Atlas**

this book is of lesser importance than the (above) ****star wheel****.
the (above) ****star wheel**** should be your main map of the sky.
once you understand the ****star wheel**** (above) then you can use this book to search for detailed constellations, using ****binoculars or a telscope****
you should ****familiarize**** yourself with the (above) ****star wheel**** before euen beginning to understand this book.
(dont euen bother with this book at all, until you haue memorized the starwheel, and can find the constellations with itte).. ..
this is the best book for viewing the constellations in
it is **NOT** the best tool for figuring out the **placements**.. .. https://www.amazon.com/Sky-Telescopes-Pocket-Atlas-ebook/dp/B00A6I87UQ/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=roger+sinnott&qid=1637946707&sr=8-3


online tools

Sky and Telescope interactive Sky Chart

(click "launch chart").. ..
this tool is useful,
note the ****light green line**** on the chart,
this sections off the portion of sky that is **shown**
vs the portion of sky that is **un-shown**/notvisible.. .. .. ..

enter the date and time, to get the chart for the current date/time.. ..



****motion of the planets****
****Planet Geometry - (aspects) - interpretations****
****Planet and Aspect Symbols****