****motion of the planets****
****Planet Geometry - (aspects) - interpretations****
****Planet and Aspect Symbols****



Transits are the comparison of

- a persons ****natal birth chart****,

- with the **time** specificed in another chart,
the chart of the moment,
or any other moment,

- is compared with the ****natal birth chart****.


To make a transit chart,
you follow the same directions as making a synastry chart

but one of the charts will simply be a date, that you compare the other chart to.. ..


To make a transit chart go to


- click on the ****menu**** in the top corner
- free horoscopes
- horoscope drawing and data

- ******extended chart selection*******

from the drop down menu, choose: "synastry chart (2)"

it will show 2 charts,
with one chart in the outer wheel, and one chart in the inner wheel.


.. ..one chart should be someones natal birth chart, and the other chart should be a **date** that you want to compare it to.. ..


there are many websites to interpert transits,
just google "transit aspects" ..
but they are mostly junky.. ..

the best transit book is
robert hand transits book
Planets in Transit: Life Cycles for Living, by Robert Hand https://www.amazon.com/Planets-Transit-Life-Cycles-Living/dp/0924608269/ref=sr_1_2?crid=10C1B7VIJ7IXL&keywords=robert+hand+transits&qid=1637917929&sprefix=robert+hand+tra%2Caps%2C178&sr=8-





****motion of the planets****
****Planet Geometry - (aspects) - interpretations****
****Planet and Aspect Symbols****